Education Equity Delaware

The Education Equity Delaware coalition consists of organizations committed to excellent and equitable education opportunities for all Delaware students—and who believe the foundation of an equitable education is the funding system.

The Education Equity Delaware coalition came together in 2016 when many of its organizations were represented on the state Education Funding Improvement Commission (EFIC), which was created through legislation to make recommendations for transitioning to a student-centered funding system. During that time, the organizations agreed collaboratively on a statement of principles for a student-centered funding system.

Since then, Education Equity Delaware coalition members continued individual and collaborative advocacy efforts, including providing feedback during the development of Delaware’s ESSA plan. The goals are to increase public awareness of education funding equity issues and solutions, and to focus on long-term systemic change on behalf of Delaware’s students, particularly those with the greatest needs.

Rodel convened the Education Equity Delaware coalition and continues to contribute to its work on a regular basis. This coalition was supportive of the Senate Bill 172, which calls for transparent, school-level financial data in Delaware.