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Showing 34-36 of 87 Results
DCAS Results: On Track, But More to Do
July 18th, 2013
Last year, our DCAS results showed our students making historic and dramatic gains in proficiency. This year, our DCAS results show that Delaware still has more work to do. Presented earlier today at the monthly State Board of Education meeting, the preliminary results show that 72% of our students are proficient in reading and 70% are in math...VIEW ARTICLE
October 16, 2012
Early Childhood Education, News, Policy and Practice
October 16th, 2012
Local News The News Journal Initiatives put state on right education track An op-ed by State Sen. Liane Sorenson and State Rep. Melanie George Smith Great outcomes start with a strong foundation in the form of robust early learning programs. With Election Day quickly approaching, we encourage voters to learn where candidates stand on the issues...VIEW ARTICLE
Delaware Schools Beating the Odds
July 24th, 2012
Last week, the state released the full results of the 2011-12 DCAS. As we’ve already noted, there is much to celebrate in the results, and public educators across the state should be proud of the progress they and their students made this year. Not only did the state meet its proficiency targets among every subgroup, but many schools also...VIEW ARTICLE