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Showing 25-27 of 87 Results
Partnership Zone Initiative – Where We Can Lead
September 7th, 2010
There has been a lot of discussion about how a school chooses to redesign itself – from restart, to turn around and transformation. For me, the what is more important than the how. The process for how is certainly important, but if we focus on what makes the most sense for the students, here are a handful of elements that I...VIEW ARTICLE
Partnership Zone Initiative – Our Take
September 2nd, 2010
On Tuesday, the Delaware Department of Education announced that four schools were chosen to join the state's innovative Partnership Zone Initiative (PZI). This initiative represents an unprecedented opportunity, backed by both financial and technical resources, for all community stakeholders to come together and help transform persistently...VIEW ARTICLE
Delaware Partnership Zone Schools Announced
August 31st, 2010
Today, Lillian Lowery, Secretary of Education, announced that Stubbs Elementary, Positive Outcomes Charter School, Howard High School and Glasgow High School were chosen to join Delaware’s innovative Partnership Zone Initiative (PZI). Delaware is part of a multi-state effort led by Mass Insight’s School Turnaround Group, which...VIEW ARTICLE