Personalized Learning
The common school model—a teacher in front of the classroom with students at desks—has been used since the Industrial Revolution. Building on strong instructional practices like data-driven decision making and differentiation, personalized learning offers an opportunity to redesign our learning environments so that individual students are at the center. In addition to providing stakeholders with information on best practices, we are working to support school districts throughout the state to increase personalized learning opportunities, train teachers, and create “model classrooms” where teachers can see this work being implemented in real time.
Rodel Resources
- The Rodel Teacher Council: The council is a group of teacher leaders dedicated to finding solutions, improving their craft, and leveraging their voices for the benefit of their students.
- Materials Matter: Open Education Resources (OER) in Delaware; Rodel Teacher Council, 2019
- Frequently Asked Questions: Competency-based Learning and Competency-based Transcripts (Rodel Teacher Council, 2018)
Rodel Teacher Council policy briefs (2016)
- Student Centered Learning Structures
- Personalized Learning School Models and Educator Roles
- Standards and Assessments to Support Personalized Learning
- Personalized Professional Development
- Personalized Learning Policy Brief (2015): This brief gives an introduction to personalized learning and an overview of the Delaware and national landscape.
- Additional Detail on Personalized Learning (2015): Data and information about personalized learning in Delaware and nationally.
- Blueprint on Personalized Learning in Delaware (2014): This document was produced by the Rodel Teacher Council, and is one of the first teacher-developed blueprints on personalized learning in the nation.
Check out the Rodel blog for more information!
Other Personalized Learning Resources
- Delaware Department of Education’s Digital Learning Cadre: This cadre is a partnership with the purpose of promoting digital learning and exploring, designing and modeling professional development that utilizes best practices in instructional technology.
- Education Technology Task Force: In May 2015, Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 22 established a Task Force on educational technology in Delaware to ensure that all Delaware students have access to modern and effective educational technologies that enhance learning and promote college and career readiness.
- Student Success 2025 (Vision Coalition, 2015): Includes policy recommendations for personalized learning