Funding Commission to Set the Stage for School Finance Reform

June 26th, 2024

Author: Julia Zammith

Delaware’s longstanding quest for a more student-centered, equitable school funding system marches on. Following the release of an independent assessment of Delaware’s school funding system conducted by American Institutes for Research (AIR), the state Senate and House of Representatives education committees held a joint...

New Bills Target Child Safety

May 10th, 2024

Author: Madeleine Bayard

As we wrote in March, a handful of tragic incidents across the state have shone a spotlight on child safety and abuse risks at child care centers. Health and safety complaints to the Office of Child Care Licensing are up 30 percent over the last year, according to the Department of Education, which oversees child care licensing.  In...

Career Pathways in a Rapidly Changing World: U.S. Career Pathways Story

May 3rd, 2024

Author: Paul Herdman

  The U.S. Career Pathways Story: Federal Inspiration, Local Innovation In the last decade, the United States has seen a massive shift in the national consciousness around college and careers. Many of us in the education reform community were focused on a “Bachelor’s or Bust” mentality. That is, that the attainment of a...

Early Literacy Efforts Remain Front and Center in Delaware

March 25th, 2024

Author: Madeleine Bayard

Delaware continues to focus on early literacy, a critical benchmark for a child’s educational development, and an area where Delaware (along with most of the nation) has declined in recent years. Recent focus has been on the NAEP scores, which have put Delaware below most other states and well below some of our neighbors, and with one of...
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