Policy and Practice


6 Big Takeaways from Smarter Balanced Scores

July 26th, 2016


by Liz Hoyt and Shyanne Miller   Last week, Delaware officially released preliminary statewide results for public school students on the Smarter Assessment and the SAT. We took a look at the data, and pulled out six big takeaways from this year’s results.   Delaware students made incremental gains in year two of the Smarter...

A Changing Landscape Demands Legislative Action

July 8th, 2016

Author: Paul Herdman

Delaware is growing. Not in size, but in numbers. For our children to lead, or even keep pace, our state needs to confront some brutal facts. Our population continues to grow at a higher clip than our immediate neighbors. At the Rodel Foundation, we look especially at the growing rate of low-income families and children, and kids who are learning...

148th General Assembly Education Report

July 8th, 2016

Author: Melissa Hopkins

On June 30th, the Delaware Legislature concluded the second half of the 148th General Assembly. This year legislators faced a challenging budget cycle with a significant revenue shortfall for Fiscal Year 2017. This follows a difficult cycle from FY16 when there was a shortfall of $27 million. The Markell Administration and the Delaware...

Education is Front and Center at Legislative Hall

July 1st, 2016

Author: Melissa Hopkins

One look at our Legislative Monitor says it all: Education was front and center this year in the Delaware General Assembly. It was also a tough financial year, one plagued by continued revenue shortfalls. In this space Wednesday, we recapped the proposed budget cuts put forth by the Joint Finance Committee and the implications on Delaware...