Policy and Practice


Decoding Gov. Markell’s Final State of the State Address

January 27th, 2016


In his final State of the State address (titled “Expecting More”) as leader of the First State, Governor Jack Markell devoted significant airtime to public education. Touching on everything from career training, to early learning, to teacher prep, Gov. Markell made it clear that the path to a better Delaware cuts directly through its...

Delaware’s NAEP Results: Draw Your Own Conclusion

November 5th, 2015

Author: Liz Hoyt

A few days ago we published a blog on Delaware’s NAEP Results: 5 Data Takeaways. Here are some data considerations to keep in mind as you read the tea leaves from this year’s NAEP results. 1. Lookout for misNAEPery—the misuse of NAEP data. National bloggers like Mike Petrilli are warning against jumping to conclusions about the policy...

Why Teacher Prep Report Cards are Vital to Progress

October 27th, 2015

Author: Mamie Doyle Mannella

Last week, the Delaware Department of Education released the first reports on educator preparation programs. As a reminder, the reports were put into place per Senate Bill 51, passed in 2013, requiring that “Education preparation programs administered by institutions of higher education shall collaborate with the Department to collect and...

Rodel Teacher Council Member Spotlight: Tim Brewer

October 14th, 2015

Author: Rachel Wiggans Chan

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a fly on the wall while a teacher explained the concept of “spaghettification” to a class full of teenagers, half of whom were listening raptly and the other half of whom were exploding with further questions? I got that chance a few weeks ago when I sat in on Rodel Teacher Council member Tim...