Postsecondary Success


Guest Blog: Delaware Pathways steering students in the right direction

August 15th, 2016


By Dr. Amy Loyd, senior director of the Pathways to Prosperity Network at Jobs for the Future     “How did you find your first job? Did your education support your transition to the world of work?” For many of us (including myself), the answer to the first question is through our social capital networks: our family and family...

Delaware High Schools to Benefit from $400,000 in Grants

August 3rd, 2016


by Robert Adams and Jenna Bucsak Delaware educators and policymakers continue pushing to increase college access, success, and affordability for public school students. It’s led to powerful collaboration between schools, districts, and the state to ensure that graduating students can enroll and thrive in postsecondary education. Last week...

6 Big Takeaways from Smarter Balanced Scores

July 26th, 2016


by Liz Hoyt and Shyanne Miller   Last week, Delaware officially released preliminary statewide results for public school students on the Smarter Assessment and the SAT. We took a look at the data, and pulled out six big takeaways from this year’s results.   Delaware students made incremental gains in year two of the Smarter...

USA Fund Grant Could Ease Remediation Burden for Students

July 14th, 2016


Every August, college freshmen arrive on campus feeling nervous about finding their way in a sea of strangers. Add on the stress of financing a degree, and the first semester of college is no walk in the park. Imagine being told amidst this transition, that you are required to take a remedial course. The course costs money, and doesn’t count...