Luke Rhine

Meet the team at Rodel that works to change the education system in Delaware through research, policy, practice, and partnerships.

Luke Rhine

Vice President

Luke Rhine is the Vice President for Postsecondary Success at Rodel. Previously, he held leadership roles in the U.S. Department of Education and the Delaware Department of Education, focusing on economic mobility for youth and adults by helping to bridge education, workforce, and economic systems.

In the Biden-Harris administration, he served as Acting Assistant Secretary for the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education in the U.S. Department of Education. In this role he oversaw policy, grant making, strategy implementation, and impact measurement focused on career & technical education (CTE), adult education, correctional education, and community & technical colleges. He also supported cross-agency efforts to expand registered apprenticeship, support economic development, and advise on domestic and foreign policy.

In Delaware, he served in the Governor Carney administration as the Associate Secretary for Workforce Support and as the Director for CTE and STEM education during the Governor Markell administration, both in the Delaware Department of Education. In these roles, Luke supported Delaware’s career and college readiness strategy, postsecondary education system, educator preparation and licensure systems, and led various education and workforce initiatives. He also helped to create the Delaware Pathways initiative, which is recognized as a national exemplar among career pathway systems. Luke also worked at the Maryland State Department of Education and as a high school CTE and middle school teacher.

Luke has led teams and collaborated with education, community, and workforce partners to create inclusive education-to-employment pathways addressing systemic inequities. He has overseen federal, state, and philanthropic grants, contributed to federal and state policy development, and worked with various boards and commissions. His expertise includes education and workforce policy and programs, financial models, grant management, accountability systems, and state data systems.

A Fulbright scholar and advisor to President Biden’s education transition team, Luke has received multiple state and national leadership awards. He holds a bachelor’s from California University of Pennsylvania and a master’s in education from Stockton University.