Search Results

Showing 58-60 of 87 Results


School Board Elections and the Need to Get Involved


May 11th, 2011

The education reform community is broad, yet not all of us have a direct role in making the decisions that will benefit our students the most.  Voting for school board members is one important step that all of us—teachers, parents, eligible students, and business, community, and philanthropic leaders alike—can take.    Many of us in...


One Year In, Where Do We Stand?


April 1st, 2011

So, one year in, where is Delaware on Race to the Top (RTTT)?  A new report from Vision 2015 measures Delaware’s progress—both what’s been done and what lies ahead. The impetus for the report came from Delaware Education Secretary Lillian Lowery one year ago, when she asked the Vision 2015 coalition (of which I am a member) to “help keep...


Peanut Butter, Politicians, and the Black Eyed Peas


March 24th, 2011

On Monday I had the opportunity to join Vice President Joe Biden, Education Secretary Arne Duncan, Delaware Governor Jack Markell, U.S. Senator Chris Coons, U. S. Representative John Carney, and our Education Secretary Lillian Lowery at Delaware's Howard High School of Technology to celebrate the one year anniversary of Race to the Top. It was an...