Delaware Opens Door to Turnaround Partners
August 8th, 2011
The Delaware Department of Education published a Request for Qualification (RFQ) for Lead Partner organizations to help turnaround student learning within our state’s lowest-performing schools chosen to participate in the Partnership Zone Initiative. The RFI will solicit and evaluate proposals from interested Lead Partners, resulting in a list...VIEW ARTICLE
World Class Data Analysis Coming to Delaware
August 4th, 2011
The Delaware Department of Education has partnered with Harvard’s Strategic Data Project to bring world-class data analysis to Delaware – with a desire to focus on preparing students to graduate from high school with the knowledge and skills to enroll in, persist at, and complete higher education. These efforts, which should parallel...VIEW ARTICLE
Delaware Competes for Early Childhood Funds
July 29th, 2011
Since the announcement of the federal Early Learning Challenge, the third phase of the Race to the Top competition, states have been ‘racing’ to formulate bold applications for a share of the $500 million grant. Although the final criteria and deadlines have not been released, 36 states—including Delaware-- and the District of Columbia have...VIEW ARTICLE
Student Performance Data: “Reset” Presents Opportunity
July 22nd, 2011
The Delaware Department of Education released the 2010-2011 DCAS scores yesterday, and, as expected, the percent of students demonstrating proficiency decreased. The State Board approved the higher standards set last year, which provide all stakeholders a more accurate snapshot of how our students compare to their national and international...VIEW ARTICLE