Tag: early learning

COVID-19 Throws Curveballs at Legislative Session, but Education Budget Remains Largely Unscathed


July 7th, 2020

In a historic legislative session—punctuated by the COVID-19 outbreak that suspended the legislature for most of session starting in March—no new bills related to public education were passed. While the pandemic triggered statewide budget cuts and little in the way of new investments, the Fiscal Year 2021 Delaware budget maintains its...


Maria Matos: The Power of Advocacy, Investments in Early Learning

Early Childhood Education, News

April 8th, 2016

Guest blog by Maria Matos, president and CEO of the Latin American Community Center   There are three traits that the Hispanic community has in common: our faith in God, our dedication to family, and the notion that we as a people are extremely patriotic to our country. Faith is what inspired my dad to move our family from Camden, New...