Tag: Governor Markell
Moving Forward on Teacher Preparation
February 26th, 2013
Every year, the National Center for Teacher Quality (NCTQ) publishes a report card on the fifty states’ public school teacher policies. This year’s report focused on teacher preparation. And this year, Delaware scored a D-. Although NCTQ gave the entire country a D+, we as a state have room to make improvements. At the same time...VIEW ARTICLE
February 25, 2013
February 25th, 2013
Local News The News Journal Wallace new executive director at Vision Network The Vision Network of Delaware, a Wilmington nonprofit, will have a new executive director at the helm Monday. Dana Diesel Wallace replaces Mark Murphy, who left to become the state Secretary of Education. She was most recently working at a North Carolina organization...VIEW ARTICLE
February 13, 2013
Early Childhood Education, News, Policy and Practice
February 13th, 2013
Local News The Middletown Transcript Real Men Read returns for a fifth year Real Men Read is a district-wide effort to get male students more excited about reading. Boys should come to Real Men Read because it totally rocks!" Payne, the Appoquinimink High School librarian said. "We know that boys are still behind when it comes to reading," she...VIEW ARTICLE
The “BRINC” of a Revolution
February 6th, 2013
This guest blog post was written by the district leads for the BRINC Consortium. As part of our blog series on education technology for Digital Learning Day, this post speaks to the big steps Delaware schools and districts are making to improve the use of technology to increase student learning. To read the first post in this Digital Learning Day...VIEW ARTICLE