Tag: Higher Education

February 14, 2013

News, Policy and Practice

February 14th, 2013

Local News The News Journal Lawmakers look to keep $500,000 for AP classes Taking a cue from President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address, lawmakers on the state’s budget committee Wednesday discussed increased funding for college-level courses in public high schools.  At a hearing on the Department of Education’s spending plan, the...


January 31, 2013

News, Policy and Practice

January 31st, 2013

Local News WDEL New report shows how Del. charter school law could be improved Delaware moved up a spot, ranking 21st, but Kendall Massett, Executive Director of the Delaware Charter Schools Network, explains the jump isn't due to progress.  "We didn't go up for necessarily doing anything different with our law. We went up because the methodology...


January 30, 2013

News, Policy and Practice

January 30th, 2013

Local News The News Journal Indian River School District voters OK new spending Voters gave a broad endorsement to new spending proposed by the Indian River School District, allowing the district to raise $6.2 million to build new classrooms, add kindergarten offerings and raise taxes, based on preliminary results.  Superintendent Susan Bunting...


Governor Markell Continues Fulfilling “Blueprint” for Education

Policy and Practice

January 28th, 2013

As the legislature moves forward to review Governor Markell’s proposed budget, it was inspiring to see that the Governor’s State of the State reflected his vision for education in Delaware well before he was elected Governor. In his "Blueprint for a Better Delaware", then Treasurer Jack Markell outlined his policy goals to make Delaware’s...