September 4, 2012
September 4th, 2012
Here are several stories in today’s news about Delaware education and from across the nation: Local News The News Journal Go for the gold at school with Race to the Top plan An op-ed by Mark Murphy, Delaware Secretary of Education This is the year when we will be deepening execution of our state’s Race to the Top plan. That includes fully...VIEW ARTICLE
August 17, 2012
August 17th, 2012
Local News The News Journal Pencader in compliance After a tumultuous year at Pencader Charter Business and Finance High School, a state education administrator said Thursday that the institution is in compliance with all applicable regulations and ready for students to return next month. However, Cruce also said the Department of Education is...VIEW ARTICLE
August 10, 2012
August 10th, 2012
Local News DFM News State review seeks to quell growing debate over Delaware charter schools Gov. Jack Markell plans to appoint a working group to review the current law and recommend ways to improve it. The panel will be appointed soon and should complete its work before the General Assembly reconvenes in January. Updating the law, coupled with a...VIEW ARTICLE
July 19, 2012
July 19th, 2012
Local News The News Journal Previewing college life UD’s Summer College program returned this summer a year after many expected it would be eliminated following a state funding cute. Rising high school juniors and seniors – most of them from the local area – take college freshman-level courses and familiarize themselves with life on UD’s...VIEW ARTICLE