Tag: next generation learning

Grading Schools On…Creativity?


February 17th, 2012

In our global economy, businesses are placing an ever-increasing premium on the ability to problem-solve and innovate. When educators in academically top-performing countries like South Korea and Finland gather, they talk about one thing: how better to foster creativity—often, in fact, looking to the U.S. for ideas. Yet even as countries abroad...


Students Should Be Measured on Mastery, Not Time in Their Seat


February 10th, 2012

As next generation learning inevitably proliferates, states are reevaluating polices that no longer accommodate students’ learning needs in the evolving 21st century – with a particular focus on changing seat time requirements. As a former teacher, I couldn’t be more heartened to see this development. I remember it well – standing in...


Partnership Zone Plans : More of the Same


January 25th, 2012

The Delaware Department of Education approved plans at five of six second round Partnership Zone schools (Laurel Middle’s plan is due in February), which will wrap up the state’s Race to the Top commitment to turnaround ten persistently low-performing schools. Although the plans represent significant effort on the part of all stakeholders to...


Happy 2012: Full Steam Ahead

Early Childhood Education, News

January 11th, 2012

As we take stock of 2011 and look to 2012, we ask ourselves: Are we closer to creating world-class schools for Delaware’s children?  For me the answer is clearly, “yes.”  In fact, if Delaware’s public school system were a train, it would be moving at full steam.  Why? In 2011, the state adopted higher standards, aka the Common Core...