Tag: teacher pathways

What Teacher Preparation Programs Make the Grade?

News, Policy and Practice

June 3rd, 2011

The National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) has partnered with U.S News and World Report to conduct an in depth analysis of teacher preparation programs throughout the United States in order to provide the public information on each program’s ability to produce effective educators. In Delaware (and other states), the study will assess...


Delaware’s TFA Story

News, Policy and Practice

May 17th, 2011

This is the first in a three-part series related to Teach For America in Delaware. Click the following link to read part two written by Teach For America- Delaware Executive Director, Joe Moorman. In the early months of 2009, it didn't seem possible. Many warned that it would take years to launch a Teach For America site. So, our goal to have...


Illinois Takes Giant Leap Forward

News, Policy and Practice

April 19th, 2011

The Illinois Senate unanimously passed sweeping legislation that would use teacher performance as the primary metric in decisions impacting teachers – with the support of all stakeholders, including teachers’ unions and school management groups.     The legislation is a friendly reminder that Delaware has come a long way in our teacher...


One Year In, Where Do We Stand?


April 1st, 2011

So, one year in, where is Delaware on Race to the Top (RTTT)?  A new report from Vision 2015 measures Delaware’s progress—both what’s been done and what lies ahead. The impetus for the report came from Delaware Education Secretary Lillian Lowery one year ago, when she asked the Vision 2015 coalition (of which I am a member) to “help keep...