Tag: teacher support

As Legislature Wraps, Lawmakers Focus on School Climate, Child Care, and Holistic Supports for Students and Educators


July 2nd, 2024

The 152nd General Assembly—the last one convened under Gov. John Carney—is officially in the books. As promised during his final State of the State Address, Gov. Carney’s recommended pay increases for educators passed the final budget. Overall, Delaware saw its state education budget grow 8.6-percent over last year, with $171,658,500...


Early Childhood and Teacher Supports Main Focus Areas this Legislative Session


July 7th, 2023

Another half of a legislative session is in the books for Delaware. This year—the penultimate one in Gov. John Carney’s second term—lawmakers affirmed the governor’s budget, while paying special focus to supporting teachers, families with young children, and early learning programs. As educators continue to take on more...


Grants Support Innovative New Teacher Induction

Policy and Practice

September 11th, 2013

According to American economist Theodore Levitt, “Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.” “Doing new things,” in the area of new teacher induction programs, is precisely what the Comprehensive Induction Program (CIP) Competitive Grants will fund during the 2013-14 school year. Six districts were awarded a...