Other States Enter the Race to the Top

September 25th, 2009

Category: News

With $4+ Billion dollars in federal Race to the Top (RTTT) grants at stake, it’s no wonder that cash-strapped states are looking for ways to set themselves apart to win this race.  While each state has its own strengths and weaknesses, some have already been recognized for being out in front. 

Colorado is widely seen to be a front-runner already. Even before the announcement of the RTTT, the state was home to one of the most successful teacher compensation reform plans in Denver and has bolstered teacher accountability statewide ensuring that student data can be tied to teacher evaluations.  The General Assembly passed legislation this year to give the state more authority to intervene in failing schools and passed legislation last year to create a college and workforce readiness assessment

And, since the draft RTTT guidance was announced, Colorado has responded by removing their charter cap and releasing a plan to move forward with a number of other initiatives that will enhance their application.

Colorado seems to have the yellow jersey right now, but there are others close behind…Delaware is going to have tough competition if we want to bring home a share of this pie.

Michael Rasmussen




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