April 10, 2015

April 10th, 2015

Category: News

Delaware News

The News Journal
Are students ready for our democracy?
By Ed Freel, project director and Fran O’Malley, curriculum director of the Democracy Project at the University of Delaware.
Graduating young people who have the knowledge, skills, and experiences to be constructive and engaged citizens is critical to keeping our Republic. When asked what is most needed to graduate such people, we respond “not another test. Rather, a great lesson delivered by well-developed teachers who are given the time and resources to teach them.”

Citizens Bank donates $20,000 to Delaware nonprofits
Citizens Bank’s donation to the Delaware Financial Literacy Institute will support the organization’s Teacher Institute, a three-day professional development workshop designed to provide teachers with content knowledge, materials and methods for providing financial education in the classroom.

Christina School District seeking public input on new referendum
For the second time this year, the Christina School District will attempt to pass a referendum to help close a projected budget deficit. The district, which serves part of Newark and Wilmington is seeking input from voters as they prepare to ask for a tax hike.

Education job fair to bring hundreds of recruiters to campus
Over 315 recruiters representing 120 school districts from the Mid-Atlantic region and one from the United Arab Emirates will be at the Bob Carpenter Center on Wednesday, April 15, for the University of Delaware’s 36th annual education job fair, Project Search: Careers for Teachers.

Laurel Star
A new hope and a new direction
Students and staff spent much of the spring break readying the recently-completed Laurel Middle and Senior High School. Many hope the new building signals a completely new chapter in Laurel education.

National News

Education Week
NCLB overview: Definitions, requirements, and criticisms
A new Education Week primer on the No Child Left Behind Act—the latest iteration of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act—includes milestones in the law’s history and resources for more reading.

Excellence in Education National
Excel National applauds Tennessee Senate for passage of A-F school grading
The Tennessee Senate passed SB 300, sponsored by Senate Education Committee Chair Dolores Gresham. Excellence in Education National Executive Director Patricia Levesque said, “A well-defined school accountability system is key to recognizing and replicating success, as well as identifying failure and pathways to improvement.”

The New York Times
The real reason college tuition costs so much
Far from being caused by funding cuts, the astonishing rise in college tuition correlates closely with a huge increase in public subsidies for higher education.

Math STAAR tests for grades 3-8 won’t count in campus, district grades
The math scores on standardized tests for the third through eighth grades in Texas will not be counted in this year’s state accountability ratings, the Texas Education Agency announced, acknowledging that teachers and students have struggled to adjust to a new curriculum. The math curriculum implemented this year is more rigorous, with younger students expected to master concepts earlier than in the past.

Philly school district projects 22 percent graduation rate in 2017
In two years, Pennsylvania students will have to pass three standardized tests — the Keystone Exams — to graduate high school. Right now, 65 percent of Philadelphia School District students graduate in four years, but district officials expect a big drop when the Keystone Exam requirement comes into full effect.

Rodel Foundation of Delaware




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