Bill Gates: Student Feedback Key in Teacher Evaluation
Ask Bill Gates what he believes the most critical ingredients in a teacher evaluation system are. His response may surprise you. Last month, I attended the Education Commission of the States National Forum on Education in Atlanta, GA, where Mr. Gates was the keynote speaker. There, he argued that within a reliable teacher evaluation system...
August 2, 2012
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Delaware State News
Expert discusses education’s future at Dover luncheon
Nationally-recognized lecturer Dr. Matthew Ladner spoke at the Caesar Rodney Institute’s Excellence in Education Luncheon, a Senior Advisor for Excellence in Education pointed to the state of Florida’s successful educational reform actions begun in the late...
Blog Addresses Fundamental Teaching Issues
As a foundation committed to helping Delaware create world-class public schools, I was pleased with the recent state and national assessment results. Yet to see the lasting changes we really need to see, I believe we need to fundamentally rethink our state’s whole strategy to finding and keeping its best teachers. Therefore, I was pleasantly...
Announcing the iEducate Delaware Finalists
We are excited to announce the 15 finalists of the iEducate Delaware™ initiative, recognizing the unsung heroes of public education statewide. The finalists represent a diverse cross section of parents, educators, community leaders, and other inspiring individuals from up and down the state who are dedicating their time, commitment, and...