Student-Centered Learning


The Future of Teacher Prep

March 14th, 2016


The Future of Teacher Prep: What Current Teachers Dream of for the Next Generation by Robyn Howton, English teacher at Mount Pleasant High School, member of the Rodel Teacher Council, and a Hope Street Group National Teacher Fellow   Back in 1991, I was the student teacher assigned to work with Mrs. Sargent at Triad High School in Troy...

Recapping the 2016 Personalized Learning Workshop

March 10th, 2016


By Melissa Tracy, National Board Certified Social Studies Teacher at Conrad Schools of Science, and member of the Rodel Teacher Council On Saturday, February 27th, more than a hundred educators gathered at St. Georges Technical High School to participate in a free, teacher-led workshop about personalized learning hosted by the Rodel Teacher...

Welcome to the Smarter Balanced Digital Library

March 10th, 2016


By: Karen Eller, Teacher at Bancroft Elementary School in Wilmington and member of the Rodel Teacher Council As teachers, instructional coaches, and even professional development trainers, we sometimes spend a lot of time searching and looking for the best resources available online to help support learning. This can be a daunting task at...

Strength in Numbers at Early Childhood Conference

March 2nd, 2016


  By Michelle Wilson, kindergarten teacher at Booker T. Washington Elementary School, and member of the Rodel Teacher Council.   As co-chair of the Birth–Grade 3 Alignment Committee under the Delaware Early Childhood Council, I had a unique experience of helping facilitate the Stronger Together Conference that was held last...