Student-Centered Learning


Rodel Teacher Council Member Spotlight: Tim Brewer

October 14th, 2015

Author: Rachel Wiggans Chan

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a fly on the wall while a teacher explained the concept of “spaghettification” to a class full of teenagers, half of whom were listening raptly and the other half of whom were exploding with further questions? I got that chance a few weeks ago when I sat in on Rodel Teacher Council member Tim...

Calling All Teachers: Help Inform Education Prep Policy

October 8th, 2015


by Robyn Howton, Rodel Teacher Council   The teaching profession demands much of the people who enter it. High-quality teacher prep is essential to ensuring that new teachers are ready to help students achieve their full potential from the first day they enter the classroom, and to retain young, talented educators in the teaching...

Striving for Social-Emotional Success

October 7th, 2015


By Michelle Wilson, Rodel Teacher Council   A few weeks ago, Tricia Dallas, my colleague on the Rodel Teacher Council, wrote a post about the importance of social emotional learning in her preschool class. As a kindergarten teacher, I’ve always been drawn to Robert Fulgum’s findings in, “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in...

Looking Forward to the 8th Annual Conference on Education

October 1st, 2015

Author: Nancy Millard

Classrooms are changing and students are learning in new and different ways. As a parent, I am energized to hear about the great things happening in our schools. I’ve seen my daughter study for her AP World History exam with on-line quiz apps on her phone and my son make movies with an iPad as a way to learn new vocabulary words. Their teachers...