Calling All Educators – The Vision Coalition Needs to Hear From You

September 8th, 2014

Category: Policy and Practice

On Monday, September 15th, the Vision Coalition of Delaware is presenting its draft plan, “A Vision for Education in Delaware in 2025,” also known as “ED25″ at a meeting aimed specifically at educators and groups that directly support educators. The meeting will take place at the Dover Public Library from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, and light refreshments will be provided.

If you’re a teacher, principal, school counselor, dean –- if you identify as an educator –- I hope you will join this important conversation and provide feedback on the plan to the Vision Coalition Leadership Team. I entered the classroom as a 6th grade teacher 10 years ago (almost to the day!). I often wish I was more involved in the local education scene while I was teaching, beyond the four walls of my classroom. I was pretty ignorant to the policies and practices occurring around me at the time, even though they directly affected my students and me. I know exactly why that was –- teaching was (and continues to be) the hardest job I have ever had. I had to put all my energy and focus into the students in front of me every day. I don’t regret that decision. However, I know I could have had a powerful voice in support of or in challenge to policies and practices that were going on around me at the time. My insights, opinions, and voice as a classroom teacher could have been a powerful lever for change –- much more powerful than any voice or influence I have now outside of the classroom.

The Vision Coalition is right to engage the voices of educators as they develop their plan. And while I know it is incredibly difficult to step away from grading, lesson planning, and the day-to-day (or evening-to-evening) activities of the classroom, I hope any and all educators –- especially teachers and principals –- can join this discussion and leverage their powerful voice. It needs to be heard.

Mamie Doyle Mannella



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