December 21, 2012

December 21st, 2012

Category: News

Local News

New monthly e-publication by Office of Early Learning
The Office of Early Learning has launched a monthly, new e-publication to support the early learning initiative. See the December 2012 newsletter here.

Cape Gazette
Lewes buys land for new public library
The City of Lewes has unanimously approved purchase of a 5.5-acre parcel, which will be the site of the new Lewes Public Library. Mayor and city council, at a Dec. 19 special meeting, approved acquisition of the Thompson property, which lies adjacent to the existing library site. Before the vote, Lewes Mayor Jim Ford gave a detailed report on how the $2.5 million purchase is being financed.

The News Journal
A Royal Frolicking
Students with disabilities display their gifts in ‘The Nutcracker.” After preparing for weeks, students arrived Thursday morning to a standing-room crowd in the Leach School auditorium near New Castle.

National News

Education Week
Why do academically promising students not choose college?
Students with the academic potential make very different choices about higher education based on the high school they attend, according to a set of analyses. One analysis found that 18% of these students enrolled in less-selective four-year colleges, two-year institutions, or no higher education at all. Moreover, students who chose less-selective colleges were less likely to earn a diploma.

Chronicle of Higher Education
Analysis adds to data showing the economic benefits of a college degree
A State Higher Education Executive Officers report offers further evidence of the value of a college degree in terms of future earnings potential. Americans who complete a bachelor’s degree have a median income of $50,360, compared with a median of $29,423 for people with only a high-school diploma. The report provides national and state-level data on the wage premiums associated with degree attainment.

Pew Center on the States
State school funds on trial, again
Overall, ten states have school finance challenges working their way through the courts, and four other states recently wrapped up legal challenges. But school-funding advocates have found that winning a lawsuit doesn’t necessarily improve the quality of education–or even boost funding over the long term, as funding formula changes and budget cuts can eat into court-mandated increases

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