February 12, 2014

February 12th, 2014

Category: News

Local News

Colonial superintendent announces retirement
At Tuesday night’s Colonial Board of Education meeting, Dorothy Linn announced she’s retiring effective June 30th. The 59-year-old Linn has worked in the district for 26 years, the last four as superintendent. Last year, Linn helped the district pass its first operations referendum since 1993 on a second try, adding $9.6 million to Colonial’s operating budget.

The News Journal
Common Core isn’t a government conspiracy
An op-ed by Governor Jack Markell and former Gov. Sonny Perdue of Georgia, co-chairs of the Common Core State Standards Initiative
This is a pivotal moment for the Common Core State Standards. Contrary to claims by opponents who say we’re taking away local control of curriculum, how educators teach the standards is entirely up to them. We have clear illustrations of teachers and administrators across the country developing innovative ways to help their students meet the new benchmarks.

Appoquinimink leaders extend school day by 30 minutes
Appoquinimink School District’s board on Tuesday night decided to extend the school day by 30 minutes starting Feb. 24. “Unfortunately, no one could have anticipated a winter like the one we find ourselves in now. It’s been frustrating for us all. So far, students have missed 7.5 days from snow-related closures or delays.

Seaford School District superintendent steps down
Seaford School District superintendent Shawn Joseph is stepping down at the end of this month, he announced at a school board meeting Monday night. Kevin Carson, formerly the leader of the Woodbridge and Cape Henlopen districts, will serve as an interim superintendent until the school board picks a replacement.

Sussex Countian
Lois Hobbs honored by Delaware State University
Former Indian River School District superintendent Lois Hobbs was recently honored Jan. 31 by Delaware State University’s Delaware Diamond Extravaganza for her contributions to sports and academic opportunities for women. Hobbs served as IRSD superintendent from 1996-2006. She is currently a senior consultant with Focus on Results, a board of trustee member for Delaware State University and an advisory board member for the Rodel Foundation.

Christina resists state mandated school year start dates
The Christina School Board is urging area lawmakers to support local districts in setting school year dates. The resolution came up for discussion at Christina’s School Board meeting Tuesday night.

National News

Inside Higher Ed
Is free better?
Politicians in Tennessee, Oregon and Mississippi have proposed a tuition-free first two years of community college for their states’ high school graduates. Higher education leaders have welcomed the attention, but urged a cautious, thoughtful approach and warned about unintended consequences — such as driving students from four-year institutions. Some also said state support could be used in more strategic ways.

Rating (and berating the ratings)
The Obama administration released formal comments on its proposed college rating system, documents that mostly underscore the reservations that many higher education leaders have but also highlight pockets of support. Higher education associations worry that a ratings system will create improper incentives for institutions, undermine the value of higher education and cut off access to institutions that serve low-income and underprivileged students.

Hartford Courant
CT Gov. Malloy proposes universal preschool, greater college access
Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s plan for education targets the start and the finish of a child’s path through school, including a pledge to eventually provide access to preschool for every child, and a $134 million investment in higher education. In his State of the State speech, the governor also called for expanding opportunities for high school kids to earn college credits and helping college dropouts return to school and take up to three classes for free.

Education Week
K-12 higher education often fail to collaborate effectively, survey says
College and K-12 administrators know they need to work together to move the dial on student achievement, yet a new report shows many acknowledge they are not collaborating effectively. The survey found that just 33 percent of superintendents and 34 percent of postsecondary leaders say they are actually collaborating extremely or very effectively.

Stakes are high for K-12 policy in 2014 elections
State elections involving 36 governors and more than 6,000 legislators this year could have major consequences for a variety of education policies, with the Common Core standards, school choice, collective bargaining and early education among the topics most likely to get time in the spotlight and on the stump. There also are seven state schools superintendent elections, as well as ballot initiatives related to K-12 education in a number of states.

Texas Public Radio
Texas launches affordable college degree program for half the cost
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has launched the Texas Affordable Baccalaureate Degree Program. The first degree associated with the program is similar to what students would take for a bachelor’s of business administration and allows students to complete the required courses more quickly. The cost for the new degree is about half of what it would cost to attend a four-year university, running between $13,000 and $15,000.

Jefferson City News-Tribune
Missouri bills propose changes to education
A proposed bill in Missouri, H.B. 1247, would amend the A+ Scholarship Program to allow students who attend a community college or vocational/technical school to be reimbursed for tuition costs they paid for dual-credit courses in high school. A second bill, H.B. 1189, would require the education department to develop a policy that would allow students to fulfill academic credits for graduation in each of the four core subject areas with an agriculture or technical course.

Rodel Foundation of Delaware




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