February 12, 2015

February 12th, 2015

Category: News

Delaware News

Wilmington University piloting student-teaching residency program
In 2013, First State lawmakers passed Senate Bill 51 calling for an improvement in teacher preparation programs throughout the state. Wilmington University responded, using Race to the Top grant money to launch pilot partnerships with the Capital, Red Clay and Indian River School districts. The program pairs 12 student-teachers in their final year of college with experienced educators, embedding them in their classroom for a whole school year.

The News Journal
Novice Delaware teachers get more classroom experience
Just like a medical student might work rotations in a hospital under the watchful eye of a doctor, Wilmington University is placing education students in classrooms for a full year so they can “live and breathe” the job before setting out on their career.

Scale or scrap? Gov. Markell checks in on Delaware teacher training pilot
With Race to the Top money dwindling, the state will have to make tough decisions about the programs and experiments it seeded with federal money.

Dover Post
DOE, Stand By Me helping students with financial applications
The DOE hopes that its text messaging program, along with other initiatives such as working with “Stand by Me” and other organizations, will increase the number of students applying to college and looking for financial aid.

Turner to focus on retention, graduation and jobs for students as new board chairman
David Turner, recently elected chairman of the Delaware State University Board of Trustees, shares his goals and anticipated challenges.

Delaware State News
Capital School District begins search for new leader, with public’s help
The University of Delaware Institute of Public Administration, which has helped six other Delaware districts find superintendents, is holding public meetings to gather information for the Capital School District job posting.

AAA Mid-Atlantic launches mentoring program with William Penn HS
William Penn High School paired 41 of its students with an employee of AAA Mid-Atlantic in Wilmington. Those employees will serve as mentors until these teens graduate.

Delaware Department of Education
Partnership gives teacher prep students year-long residency
A press release
“So many teachers told us just how challenging their first year in the classroom was and how they would have benefited from having a longer clinical residency, and the Department of Education and Wilmington University responded to their call-to-action,” says Governor Jack Markell.

National News

Arizona Republic
New approach to math helping Arizona high school students graduate
Since 2013, Arizona has required all high school students, even those not headed to college, to take four years of math to graduate. Fortunately for some, 18 districts in the state offer new special math classes for technical education students.

Vice News
The graduation gap between white and black students is widening in the US
The Schott Foundation for Public Education released its 2015 report on black males and education on Wednesday, which showed that while graduation rates on the whole are on the rise across the US, only 59 percent of young black men will graduate compared with 65 percent of Latino and 80 percent of white, non-Hispanic males across 50 states in the 2012-13 school year.

Real Clear Education
Keep the federal role in low performing schools
Commentary by Paul Pastorek, former Louisiana State Superintendent of Education and Peter Cunningham, former Assistant Secretary in the U.S. Department of Education
When it comes to students stuck in under-performing schools year after year we both need to check our ideological baggage at the door. While it’s true that many school fixes handed down from the top stumble in implementation, it’s also true that states and districts are rarely willing to make the tough decisions that most benefit kids at risk.

The Chronicle of Higher Education
Professors know about high-tech teaching methods, but few use them
Innovation is sweeping the world of higher education, but not all faculty members are embracing it in their classrooms.

Tallahassee Democrat
Jeb Bush raises money, talks education and immigration in Tallahassee
At an education forum sponsored by his Foundation for Florida’s Future, Bush said the state ought to relax the 2002 class-size constitutional amendment, freeing up billions for improved teacher salaries and other education enhancements he said would show a direct impact on learning.

The Washington Post
115 education groups: GOP No Child Left Behind legislation is vastly underfunded
The Republican-dominated House education committee just approved legislation, H.R. 5, that is a rewrite of the No Child Left Behind Act with funding levels that critics say are inadequate to properly support K-12 public education.

Rodel Foundation of Delaware




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