February 25, 2014

February 25th, 2015

Category: News

Delaware News

The News Journal
School tax increases: Christina votes no, Red Clay yes
Voters in the Christina School District overwhelmingly rejected an increase in property taxes while voters in the Red Clay School District approved an increase there.

One referendum passes in Red Clay, while another fails in Christina
Voters in the Red Clay School District approved an operating budget referendum while residents in the Christina School District said “no” to a pair of proposed tax hike options to bolster the bottom line there.

National News

CBS News
More students revolting against standardized tests
When it comes to standardized tests, parents across the country are (a) concerned; (b) demanding change; (c) pulling tens of thousands of children out of the exams; or (d) making themselves heard at the top levels of government. Answer: all of the above.

Portland Press Herald
Maine won’t issue A-F grades to schools this year
The Maine Department of Education will suspend the A-F school grading system this year because students are taking a new assessment test and the state will not have enough data to measure their progress, education officials said Monday.

The Argus Leader
Common Core survives attempts to kill it
Attempts to banish Common Core from South Dakota classrooms hit a wall Tuesday after a brief resurgence in the Legislature. In the end, lawmakers decided to let the matter rest, voting down an attempt to resurrect the Common Core debate for the 2015 session.

The Columbus Dispatch
Opting out of state tests has costs for Ohio students, schools
Students and their parents can opt out of state testing, but there are consequences for their teachers and for some students if they do.

The Philadelphia Inquirer
Christie touts pension fix; Democrats, unions dubious
Gov. Christie on Tuesday asserted a political victory in the battle over state pension funding, promoting an “unprecedented accord” with the state teachers’ union on a reform proposal – even as the union insisted no deal had been reached.

The Washington Post
Four reasons to seriously worry about ‘personalized learning’
By Alfie Kohn
Personalized learning sounds good, right? Yes, except when it is not really personalized.

Rodel Foundation of Delaware




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