February 3, 2015

February 3rd, 2015

Category: News

Delaware News

The News Journal
Fix plans for special-needs students, panel says
State leaders are proposing legislation they say will improve the process of writing Individualized Education Programs, the legal agreements that parents sign with schools to make sure their children with disabilities are receiving the help they are required under federal law.

UD teacher program great investment
Op-ed by Frank Livoy, Associate Director of Alternative Routes to Certification, University of Delaware
In existence for more than 16 years, UD’s Alternative Routes to Certification (ARTC) has provided close to 700 teachers of critical-need subjects across the state.

Delaware legislators again target special education
A bill introduced Monday would demystify the process Delaware students go through to receive special education services, according to its sponsors.

Lawmakers look to improve development of education plans for special needs students
A bill introduced to the Delaware General Assembly would change the process used to develop education plans for students who have special needs by providing parents of those children with more information and opportunities for input on how those plans are crafted.

Townsquare Delaware
The case for Teach for America
A blog post by John Connolly, Wilmington resident and Charter School of Wilmington alumnus
Teach for America, which provides our country with competent and committed teachers and leaders, should be lauded.

Delaware Department of Education
College information nights offer help for high school students’ families
A press release
The Delaware Department of Education and Delaware PTA will host events in each county to provide college information to families of high school students. Students also are welcome to attend.

Wilmington Education Advisory Commission (WEAC)
“Solutions for Wilmington Schools”
A Facebook group
The members of the Wilmington Education Advisory Committee appointed by Gov. Markell are seeking comments, opinions and ideas on the best ways to strengthen education for all Wilmington students.

National News

Education Week
Obama budget seeks boosts for early ed., high schools, technology
President Obama’s fiscal year 2016 budget request includes big hikes for teacher quality, preschool development grants, civil rights enforcement, education technology, plus a new competitive-grant program aimed at helping districts make better use of their federal and local K-12 dollars.

Chicago’s closures drove most students to better-rated schools
The vast majority of students affected by Chicago’s massive school closures in 2013 enrolled in better-performing schools than the ones they left behind, a new report says.

Chalkbeat Colorado
CO board wants state to opt out of standards
The State Board of Education voted in support of a measure that would pull Colorado out of the Common Core State Standards and the PARCC testing group, reduce state assessments and give districts more testing flexibility.

Associated Press
ND education officials push back on repeal measure
Education officials told North Dakota lawmakers that it would be a mistake to repeal new state English and math standards that outline what students should know and when.

The New York Times
Closing education gap will lift economy, a study finds
Study after study has shown a yawning educational achievement gap between the poorest and wealthiest children in America. But what does this gap costs in terms of lost economic growth and tax revenue?

Chalkbeat Indiana
These 9 education changes could move ahead in the legislature — but 6 others probably won’t
Debates over state Superintendent Glenda Ritz’s role, teachers unions and school funding are expected to heat up in the Indiana legislature.

Rodel Foundation of Delaware




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