March 13, 2015

March 13th, 2015

Category: News

Delaware News

The News Journal
Delaware teacher unions: no confidence in education leaders
Teacher unions in Delaware’s two largest school districts have voted “no confidence” in the Department of Education, Secretary of Education Mark Murphy and the State Board of Education.

Delaware may eliminate some school testing
The state, districts and individual schools will take an inventory of all the different tests students take and attempt to eliminate those that are redundant or ineffective. Gov. Jack Markell on Thursday re-affirmed his belief that good tests are a vital part of the education system but acknowledged that some parents and teachers have complained that students are spending too much time on them.

Delaware unions vote no confidence in secretary of education
State education officials targeted the Christina and Red Clay Consolidated School Districts when they announced an aggressive plan to turn around six Wilmington schools. Now the teachers in those districts are targeting them.

Delaware to launch ‘testing inventory’ for school assessments
Gov. Jack Markell says Delaware students spend too much time on standardized tests, and that his administration can fix that. How exactly? With a new “testing inventory” unveiled Thursday.

VOTE: Delaware education secretary gets ‘no confidence’ vote
Two school associations, at the center of the Priority Schools debate, show no love for Delaware’s education secretary. State Education Secretary Mark Murphy got a vote of “no confidence” from the Red Clay and Christina School Associations for his handling of the Priority Schools plan.

National News

Associated Press
New Jersey education commissioner: Don’t skip new test
New Jersey’s top education official is warning that school districts could lose some federal funding if too many students skip a new standardized test that is being given this month.

The News Tribune
Some lawmakers reversed stance on No Child Left Behind waiver bill
A bill to tie teacher evaluations to student scores on statewide tests couldn’t pass either chamber of the Legislature last year, despite warnings that the policy was needed to retain Washington’s waiver from the federal No Child Left Behind education law.

Christian Science Monitor
California suspends school accountability on Common Core
The California Board of Education suspended the state’s school accountability system on Wednesday for one year to give teachers and students time to adjust to new standardized tests aligned with Common Core standards.

Education Week
Family success at the heart of engagement efforts in Mass. district
If parents in the Springfield, Mass., school system want to help their children with the college-application process, figure out how to balance the family budget, learn to knit, or even become a certified lifeguard, there’s a class for that, thanks to the district’s Parent Academy.

Detroit Free Press
Snyder yanks school reform office from Dept. of Education
Michigan’s worst-performing schools are on notice: If their plans for improvement aren’t working, the state is ready to take action. Gov. Rick Snyder today signed a controversial executive order transferring the state school reform office from the Michigan Department of Education to a state office that is directly under his control — the state Department of Technology, Management and Budget.

Rodel Foundation of Delaware



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