May 12, 2015

May 12th, 2015

Category: News

Delaware News

The News Journal
Testing vote still avoids solution
The “education war” turned more dramatic last week. The Delaware House of Representatives decisively passed a testing opt-out bill Gov. Markell opposes. If the State Senate follows suit and passes the bill, the stage will be set for a veto.

Colonial middle schools to undergo redesign
The Colonial School District is embarking on a major redesign of its three middle schools that will create specialized “themes” for each campus.

Delaware Technical Community College
Career and technical education for high school students
A press release
As part of Pathways to Prosperity initiative, Delaware Tech is partnering with local high schools to offer career pathways in manufacturing, culinary arts and hospitality management, computer science and engineering. In addition, the College is currently creating new pathways in allied health, education and business.

National News

Union Leader
NH Gov. Hassan vetoes bill prohibiting new standards
Gov. Maggie Hassan vetoed a bill that would prohibit the Department of Education or the state Board of Education from implementing Common Core standards in any school. She said the bill would undermine New Hampshire’s commitment to preparing students for a 21st century work force, noting that no district is required to implement the standards under state law.

The Wall Street Journal
In an early adopter, Common Core faces little pushback
Kentucky is in its fourth year of testing linked to Common Core State Standards, at a time when most other states are counting the tests for the first time. While students here were slow to show improvement, scores on standardized tests have begun to pick up. Pushback from teachers unions, which has been fierce in a number of states, has been minimal here.

The New York Times
School districts embrace business model of data collection
Data has become a dirty word in some education circles, seen as a proxy for an obsessive focus on tracking standardized test scores. But some school districts, taking a cue from the business world, are fully embracing metrics, recording and analyzing every scrap of information related to school operations. Their goal is to help improve everything from school bus routes and classroom cleanliness to reading comprehension and knowledge of algebraic equations.

Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel
Wisconsin thrust into limbo over student achievement testing
Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed state budget calls for dropping the online achievement exam tied to the Common Core State Standards, which like virtually everything associated with Common Core, has been the target of criticism. If lawmakers don’t remove that provision, the state will be scrambling from scratch for a new one in 2015-’16.

Rodel Foundation of Delaware



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