May 16, 2016

May 16th, 2016

Category: News


Cape Gazette
Milton Elementary receives three Tanger Outlet grants
Milton Elementary School was recently awarded three classroom grants from the Tanger Outlets Grants for Kids program. Individual teachers applied for the grants according to their classroom needs. This is the third consecutive year that Milton teachers have received Tanger Outlets Grants for Kids. First-grade teacher Michelle Frederick received a $300 grant called Science Everywhere. She will use the funds to purchase science books for her classroom.

Delaware Public Media
Gov. Markell endorses Brandywine School District referendum
For the second time this year, Gov. Jack Markell is publicly backing a school district tax referendum. In March, Markell offered his support for the Christina School District’s third attempt in two years to secure a tax increase to bolster its operating budget – a referendum residents approved. Now, he’s encouraging Brandywine School District voters to vote “yes” for a tax increase district officials say is need to pay the bills there.

Lawmakers start debate on Wilmington Education Improvement Commission
Education was front and center again at Legislative Hall this week as lawmakers weighed in for the first time on the Wilmington Education Improvement Commission’s plan to reform schools in the state’s largest city. Delaware Public Media political reporter James Dawson covered that and everything else going on this week in the General Assembly and stopped by The Green offer some his insight.

Delaware State News
Wilmington school redistricting will impact Downstate Delaware
A long-awaited plan for redistricting Wilmington students is likely to hinge on how it affects Downstate Delaware. That could lead to changes in the school system and more money for schools in Kent and Sussex counties. Wilmington has no unified school district — instead, it is served by five districts and 18 charter schools, leading to some disparities and inconsistencies.

The News Journal
Brandywine district’s second referendum is Tuesday
The Brandywine School District is putting up a referendum on Tuesday asking residents to approve a tax increase of 28 cents per $100 of assessed property value to support its regular operating budget, plus approve funding for a special building project. It will be the second time this year that the district has gone to voters with those proposals – the last time they were paired with a plan to install synthetic turf fields at some schools.

Mother: ‘It’s about time’ schools are safe for trans students
School districts across the country were given federal guidance on Friday about the rights of their transgender students, an issue that has been rapidly gaining attention in the last few years. Delaware’s Department of Education referred to an opinion piece that Gov. Jack Markell had recently written with the president of the American Federation of Teachers calling for institutions to be more inclusive in the face of laws like the one drawing national attention in North Carolina for its requirement that transgender people use bathrooms that correspond to their gender at birth.


State board adds school climate to potential list of metrics
The State Board of Education approved a historic policy shift Wednesday in how it will evaluate schools, moving from a system based solely on standardized test scores toward one taking a broader look at school improvement, academic achievement and student well-being.

Education Week
Mispronouncing students’ names: A slight that can cut deep
When people come across Michelle-Thuy Ngoc Duong’s name, they often see a stumbling block bound to trip up their tongues. The 17-year-old sees a bridge. A bridge spanning her parents’ journey from Vietnam to the United States. A bridge connecting the U.S.-born teen to Vietnamese culture. A bridge to understanding. “My name is where I come from,” Michelle-Thuy Ngoc said. “It’s a reminder of hope.”

Career and technical education: Boom or bust?
Career and technical education in high schools has gotten lots of attention and lip service in recent years. Business and industry see it as a long overdue focus on preparing students for the world of work. Educators say CTE — once called vocational education — is an alternative path for high school graduates who don’t plan to go to college, at least not right away.

The Texas Tribune
Texas Supreme Court upholds school funding system
The Texas Supreme Court on Friday issued a ruling upholding the state’s public school funding system as constitutional, while also urging state lawmakers to implement “transformational, top-to-bottom reforms that amount to more than Band-Aid on top of Band-Aid.”

The Washington Post
Va. governor moves to upend traditional high school
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe signed legislation Thursday that will lead to an overhaul of the state’s high school graduation requirements, aiming to make high school more relevant to the working world and giving students who want to start a career after high school more alternatives to fulfill requirements.

Rodel Foundation of Delaware



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