October 14, 2014
Local News
The News Journal
The heavy impact of minor offenses on school suspensions
An editorial
Like other states, Delaware is part of a disturbing national trend the ACLU contends: One that fosters a “school-to-prison” pipeline created when students are suspended and expelled from schools long enough to get engaged in more serious offenses than those they committed in the classroom and hallways on school grounds.
School resources will be scarce
A letter to the editor by Ed Ratledge, Newark
The reporting in the paper on the challenges of the six “problem” schools and the proposed solution is interesting. I see no mention of the fact that we are spending $2.317 billion annually on the public school system. This includes $1.243 billion from the state, $572 million from local school taxes, and another $500 million from the federal government.
Time for state-sponsored law school in Delaware
An op-ed by Rashmi Rangan, Executive Director, Delaware Community Reinvestment Action Council; and James Angus, Attorney
A state law school allows Delaware to stamp its imprimatur on the ideal of service to the public and can instill in students aspiring to careers in law a sense of civic duty and the nobility in helping others. Clinics in domestic relations, health care, elder care, tax and landlord/tenant are all areas where student practitioners can learn and practice the fundamentals of law and, in doing so, work to strengthen our communities.
WHYY NewsWorks
The Moyer’s decision’s message to Delaware educators
By voting in October to close a school in June, the state board is sending a strong message to Moyer’s staff and, more importantly, to its 225 students in grades 6-12. That message is: no matter what you do the rest of the school year, it won’t matter at all. You can improve your curriculum, you can improve your plans for special needs students, and you can improve your disciplinary system. You can even improve your scores on the state’s assessment system by three grade levels. You can do all of that, but your school is still going to close.
Teachers react to closing of Moyer Academy
Business continued on as usual at Maurice J. Moyer Academic Institute in Wilmington after receiving news that the Department of Education will move forward with plans to shut the school down. On Friday, there were no students in the building, only teachers who were in part of the day for training. Although the news didn’t come as a shock, teachers openly expressed their feelings.
Smyrna-Clayton Sun-Times
Eagle Eye: Smyrna High juniors prepare for PSAT
Getting ready to apply to college is a huge step into your senior year of high school. This year, Smyrna High School will be holding the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) on Oct. 15. The PSAT is a standardized test given by the College Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) to help high school sophomores and juniors practice for their upcoming SAT test. The PSAT gives students feedback on their performance on critical reading, writing, and math.
Milford Beacon
Trio of teachers selected to Delaware Dream Team
Sherry Geesaman, Sara Bushey and Nakia McNair were among 40 teachers named to the 2014-15 Delaware Dream Team by the Delaware Department Education.
National News
The Oregonian
Oregon’s plan for teacher evaluation temporarily approved, feds grant reprieve from No Child Left Behind
The Obama administration granted temporary approval for Oregon to evaluate teachers using individually determined samples of their students’ progress, not necessarily standardized test scores.
Houston Chronicle
Arizona gets flexibility from US education law
Federal officials notified state Superintendent of Public Instruction John Huppenthal that Arizona’s request for a one-year extension of flexibility was approved. Massachusetts, Missouri, Oregon, Rhode Island and Utah also received extensions.
California, other states to set test cutoff scores
California educators will play a pivotal role in a crucial phase of work for the new Smarter Balanced assessments: setting the cutoff scores that will indicate whether a student is academically on track for the next grade level and ultimately whether they are ready for college and careers.
Wisconsin State Journal
State paid $139 million to schools terminated from voucher progam since 2004
Over the past 10 years, Wisconsin taxpayers have paid about $139 million to private schools that were subsequently barred from the state’s voucher system for failing to meet requirements related to finances, accreditation, student safety and auditing.
The Oklahoman
Scholarships are key to college access for many in Oklahoma
As the cost of going to college continues to rise, scholarships are the key to access for students from low- and middle-income families, education officials say.
Montana Governor Steve Bullock announces components of Early Childhood Education Proposal
Gov. Steve Bullock is proposing a $37 million early childhood education program that would make half-day, pre-kindergarten programs available to 4-year-olds.