October Teacher Newsletter

October 13th, 2015

Category: News

Rodel Foundation of Delaware. Teacher Newsletter. 

The Big Thing Shaking Up Education in Delaware
Student Success 2025. The Vision Coalition of Delaware released Student Success 2025, a student-centered, 10-year plan developed from the input of 4,000 Delawareans, including 1,300 Delaware students and recent graduates. Watch these Delaware students talk about the skills and attributes students need to succeed in 2025:


Teachers Impacting Policy
Robyn Howton Named Hope Street Group National Teacher Fellow. This year, Howton—who is a member of the Rodel Teacher Council—joins 17 other teachers as a Hope Street Group National Teacher Fellow to address a crucial factor of education equity: the quality of teacher preparation programs, both in Delaware and across the country.


Calling All Teachers: Help Inform Education Prep Policy
As a National Hope Street Group Teacher Fellow, Robyn Howton is one of 17 teacher fellows across the country conducting focus groups in their home states to gather teacher input in the area of teacher preparation programs. Her goal is to host at least eight focus groups across the state by Oct. 30. She is looking for colleagues interested in hosting a focus group, joining the conversation online, sharing this opportunity with colleagues. Lean more about how you could get involved.
STEM with Feds Opportunity. The Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship (AEF) Program is accepting applications for the 2016-17 Fellowship Year. AEF provides an opportunity for accomplished K-12 STEM educators to serve in the national education arena. Fellows spend 11 months working in a federal agency or U.S. Congressional office. Applications are due Nov. 19.


Mark Your Calendar

Eighth Annual Vision Coalition Conference on Education: Moving Education Forward (Oct. 28, Newark, DE). The conference, hosted by the Vision Coalition of Delaware, will bring together voices from around the state and beyond for an engaging and interactive day focusing on the future of education in Delaware. Participants will form action groups, which will offer a critical opportunity to dig deeper into the recommendations in the plan, and discuss how Delawareans can work together to make these recommendations a reality. For more information on scholarships and five professional development credit hours available to educators, please contact Nancy Millard at nancy@visioncoalitionde.org.


ECET2 Tri-State Teacher Convening (Oct. 16-17, Philadelphia, PA). “Connect, Collaborate and Continue: Building and Empowering Regional Networks” is a FREE teacher-led convening of Tri-State Teacher Networks. Register.

Colonial Tech Conference 2015 (Oct. 17, New Castle, DE). “K-12 Connected Learning” will feature Richard Byrne, the author of Practical Ed Tech. Register.

Wilmington Education Improvement Commission Meetings (Oct. 20 and Nov. 17). Learn about upcoming commission meetings, committee meetings, and other opportunities to get involved, online.

St. Georges Family “How to” Day (Nov. 21, Middletown, DE). St. Georges Technical High School is hosting its 3rd Annual Family How to Day, offering FREE hands-on classes taught by St. Georges’ instructors and students. The event will take place from 10a.m. to 12p.m., Saturday, Nov. 21. Register.


Resources to Share

DelAWARE DisABILITIES HUB launched to help students with special needs and disabilities plan for postsecondary success. The website is designed to assist educators, support services, and families who support Delaware’s exceptional citizens in transition planning. The new website will continue to grow as it scales to serve more individuals across the state.


Personalized Learning Tip of the Month

Join Connected Educator Month (Sept. 21 to Oct. 30). The Connected Educator Month initiative networks educators and education stakeholders through virtual professional learning experiences worldwide. Find events and activities that interest you, and check out the Starter Kit—it has 31 days of activities, giving you one simple way to get more connected every day.



Let’s Stay in Touch
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Rodel Foundation of Delaware




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