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Showing 49-51 of 87 Results


An Anniversary, a Conference, and a Lot of Work Ahead

Early Childhood Education, News, Policy and Practice

October 28th, 2011

This is a guest blog post by Marvin N. “Skip” Schoenhals, chairman of Vision 2015 and WSFS Bank in Wilmington, DE, for which he served as president and CEO from 1990 to 2007. He is a member of the Delaware Business Leaders Hall of Fame. Five years ago, Vision 2015 set out to transform the education that we were offering to our public school...


Guest Blog by President Harker, University of Delaware


October 11th, 2011

This is a guest blog by Patrick Harker, President of the University of Delaware. On October 18, the University of Delaware will be hosting a Vision 2015 sponsored conference on Delaware's education reform efforts, "Delaware's Race to Deliver: Getting it Done...and Done Right. This is first in a blog series about the upcoming conference. Stay tuned...


So, What Does It All Mean?


September 27th, 2011

Several years ago one of Delaware’s most distinguished public leaders shared his frustration, “I just can’t get my arms around what’s happening in education.”  There was a lot going on, much seemingly disconnected, and most not easily understood.  For those in the trenches, we see the connections.  For those focused on other things...