September 4, 2015

September 4th, 2015

Category: News

Delaware News

Delaware Public Media
Educators digest results of first Smarter Balanced test
Test scores dropped across the board, but since it’s the new test’s inaugural year, that was widely expected. Nevertheless, Indian River School District superintendent Susan Bunting says she’s not writing off these results.

Christina School Board appoints acting Superintendent
The Christina School Board voted Thursday to appoint Dr. Robert Andrzejewski as its acting Superintendent. The board settled on the former Red Clay superintendent after an over hour long discussion behind closed doors in Executive Session.

Christina School Board selects acting superintendent
The Christina School Board selected their acting superintendent Thursday night after calling an executive session at the start of their meeting at Gauger-Cobbs Middle School. The man they appointed was Dr. Robert Andrzejewski, a 12-year retired superintendent of the Red Clay Consolidated School District.

Middletown Transcript
9 exciting things happening at Appoquinimink District schools, MOT Charter, and St. Georges Tech
It’s back to school and exciting things and improvements await students and parents of Middletown-Odessa-Townsend area educational institutions. What are they?

Dover Post
DSU seeking land for new convocation center
More than five years after an effort to build a civic center in Dover fizzled, Delaware State University is seeking to its own facility on land earmarked for the cancelled project.

Smyrna-Clayton Sun Times
New science center near Smyrna could impact education and economy
The new Delaware AeroSpace Education Foundation building near Smyrna isn’t finished yet, but the foundation’s educational programs are already helping local students, while the plans for the future could help the local economy, too.

National News

Cabinet Report
States turn to college-prep tests for federal reporting
New Hampshire has joined a growing number of states opting to use college-prep entrance exams rather than standardized testing to assess high school juniors’ academic progress and meet federal accountability requirements.

Inside Higher Ed
SAT Scores drop
SAT scores dropped significantly for the class of college-bound seniors and the numbers were down for male and female students alike. SAT scores also showed continued patterns in which white and Asian students, on average, receive higher scores than do black and Latino students.

The New York Times
Facebook takes a step into education software
Facebook, which transformed communication with its social networking service, now wants to make a similar impact on education. The Silicon Valley company announced on Thursday that it was working with a local charter school network, Summit Public Schools, to develop software that schools can use to help children learn at their own pace.

Education Week
Teacher evaluation: An overview of the issue
Evaluations matter a lot—both to teachers and to those holding them accountable. But how can schools measure all teachers fairly? And what should they do with the results? This Education Week background guide delves into that debate.

Teachers, cops, and conflict: Why we need to de-escalate
Commentary by Adam Feinberg
Sandra Bland’s brutal encounter with the police earlier this summer holds lessons for teachers in de-escalating conflict, writes Adam Feinberg.

Rodel Foundation of Delaware



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