Tag: AYP
Delaware Maintains C+ Average As a Few States Pass Us By
January 17th, 2012
Delaware maintained our C+ average while falling three places from last year to 25th among states according to Education Week’s recently released Quality Counts report, which measures states’ progress across six categories (chance for success, K-12 achievement, transitions and alignment, school finance analysis, the teaching profession, and...VIEW ARTICLE
Transformation – Let’s Do the Same Thing, But Better?
November 23rd, 2011
November 17 was the deadline for five of the six new Partnership Zone schools to submit draft plans detailing how they are going to improve student achievement. (Laurel Middle School, due to its late identification, has a modified timeline). Here is what we were able to gather about these plans from recent school board meetings (for more...VIEW ARTICLE
Partnership Zone School (Round 2) Profile: Laurel Middle School
October 11th, 2011
On September 1st, 2011, Secretary Lowery and the Department of Education announced the 6 schools chosen to participate in round 2 of the statewide Partnership Zone Initiative (for more information about the Partnership Zone, see our previous blogs). Last week a question was raised about the data used to determine the schools in the Partnership...VIEW ARTICLE
Partnership Zone School (Round 2) Profile: Stanton Middle School
September 16th, 2011
On September 1st, 2011, Secretary Lowery and the Department of Education announced the 6 schools chosen to participate in round 2 of the statewide Partnership Zone Initiative (for more information about the Partnership Zone, see our previous blogs). This blog is the last of a six part series detailing these six schools (Bancroft Elementary, Bayard...VIEW ARTICLE