Tag: career pathways

Career Pathways Have Been a Major Success in Delaware—How Can We Make them Even Better?

Postsecondary Success

September 22nd, 2023

Delaware and its system of career pathways are the subject of a new case study presented by Bellwether Education Partners, Inc. As we’ve written here before, Delaware Pathways has been recognized as one of the best systems in the country at preparing young people for life after graduation. Other states have looked to Delaware to learn...


Career Pathways in a Rapidly Changing World: A Look at Scotland

Postsecondary Success

September 13th, 2023

Part 2: A Look at Scotland I’m happy to share the newest post from Scotland on career pathways in a rapidly changing world. This blog, published in partnership with the OECD, focuses on Scotland, where I learned about a relatively new approach called Foundation Apprenticeships. Earlier posts in this series include my podcast with the...


White House Nomination to Support STEM

Postsecondary Success

September 11th, 2023

I was honored and pleased to be asked by the Biden Administration to join the board of the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Fund. The formal press release is here, but in short, should I be confirmed, I would take on a voluntary role on this federally-funded scholarship program designed to advance Science, Technology, Engineering and Math...


Career Pathways in a Rapidly Changing World

Postsecondary Success

July 27th, 2023

Part 1: A Trip Down Under and a Conversation with Andreas On April 7 of this year I took off on an amazing adventure. As this blog explains, for the last three months, I have been on loan with the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) in France. I worked with a wonderful team there in Paris, and while there, I took...