Tag: delaware schools

Building Self-Identity and Mapping the Future: How Delaware is Beginning to Rethink Middle School

Postsecondary Success

July 14th, 2022

National leaders like Advance CTE are helping lay the groundwork for middle grades redesign. Having been cited and celebrated as a national leader in career pathways, Delaware has built a robust career and technical education (CTE) system that is integral to high school in Delaware. Despite the state’s success, it has become...


“The Education GA” Rides Again: Busy Legislative Session Focuses on Early Learning, Literacy, and Teacher Supports


July 1st, 2022

When the clock struck midnight last week on another Delaware General Assembly legislative session, another host of education-related bills and budget implications stood awaiting the signature of Governor John Carney. This legislature in particular—with several former and current educators, advocates, and school board members among its...


Best Way to Solve a Teacher Shortage? Better Pay and Supports Could Be Considered Under New Bill

Educator Support and Development

June 8th, 2022

Introduced during Teacher Appreciation Week, Senate Bill 100 with Senate Amendment 1 looks to evaluate and review current teacher salaries in Delaware. Sponsored by Sen. Bryan Townsend and supported by a wide array of legislators, the bill proposes the establishment of the Public Education Compensation Committee to review Delaware’s...


Delaware Advances “Grow Your Own Teacher” Efforts as Teacher Shortage Drags On

Educator Support and Development

June 3rd, 2022

Teacher shortages in Delaware are nothing new. For years, public schools have struggled to attract harder-to-find science, math, and foreign language teachers, and recently those shortages have even reached traditionally sought-after areas like elementary education and social studies. In addition to addressing educator compensation...