Tag: Delaware

Decoding Gov. Markell’s Final State of the State Address

Early Childhood Education, News, Policy and Practice, Postsecondary Success

January 27th, 2016

In his final State of the State address (titled “Expecting More”) as leader of the First State, Governor Jack Markell devoted significant airtime to public education. Touching on everything from career training, to early learning, to teacher prep, Gov. Markell made it clear that the path to a better Delaware cuts directly through its...


Rodel Teacher Council Member Spotlight: Jermaine Williams

News, Student-Centered Learning

November 23rd, 2015

Two days before our visit to Jermaine Williams’ classroom, I received the following email: That’s right, Chef Williams was inviting me to join his class and truly experience what it’s like to be a culinary student at St. Georges Technical High School. There would even be a uniform! Obviously, I accepted the challenge. When we arrived at...


The Latest on ESEA, In a Single Table


November 20th, 2015

From our friends at the Thomas B. Fordham Institute: A helpful, simple, summary table of where the House and Senate seem to be landing on the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). This was first authorized in 1965 and was most recently reauthorized in 2001 as No Child Left Behind. This bill is still a moving target...


Delaware’s NAEP Results: Draw Your Own Conclusion

Policy and Practice, Postsecondary Success

November 5th, 2015

A few days ago we published a blog on Delaware’s NAEP Results: 5 Data Takeaways. Here are some data considerations to keep in mind as you read the tea leaves from this year’s NAEP results. 1. Lookout for misNAEPery—the misuse of NAEP data. National bloggers like Mike Petrilli are warning against jumping to conclusions about the policy...