Tag: high-need
Getting Schooled by Other States on CMOs
November 18th, 2011
Earlier this month, the Center for Reinventing Public Education (CRPE) in collaboration with Mathematica Policy Research released its study on the effectiveness of charter management organizations, or CMOs. CMOs are the groups that manage the much-heralded and highly successful charters networks like KIPP and Rocketship. The study looks at 40 CMOs...VIEW ARTICLE
2011 NAEP Results Released…We Have a Long Way to Go
November 2nd, 2011
On November 1, the National Center on Education Statistics released the 2011 NAEP results, the national benchmark exam given to a representative sample of 4th and 8th graders across the country (including Delaware). Education stakeholders across the country nervously anticipated the results, worried about how a decrease in education funding and...VIEW ARTICLE
Partnership Zone Schools Update
September 28th, 2011
28 days have passed since the six round two Partnership Zone schools were announced (for more on the Partnership Zone, see earlier posts), and districts are moving full speed ahead, each taking a different approach to the planning and community engagement process. Red Clay chose “transformation” for its schools (Lewis, Marbrook, and Stanton)...VIEW ARTICLE
Partnership Zone School (Round 2) Profile: Stanton Middle School
September 16th, 2011
On September 1st, 2011, Secretary Lowery and the Department of Education announced the 6 schools chosen to participate in round 2 of the statewide Partnership Zone Initiative (for more information about the Partnership Zone, see our previous blogs). This blog is the last of a six part series detailing these six schools (Bancroft Elementary, Bayard...VIEW ARTICLE