Tag: Higher Education
The Flattening World of Education: The launch of edX
May 4th, 2012
Thomas Friedman famously opined that the world is flattening as providers of commerce gain equal footing in an increasingly globalized world. Leaving aside the positive and negative consequences of this reality, it appears that these forces are slowly moving into the education sphere, as evidenced by the recent launch of edX. The effort...VIEW ARTICLE
Tying Student Performance to Teacher Prep in Delaware
February 28th, 2012
As states continue to grapple with the question of whether—and how—to include student performance in teacher evaluations, some (including Delaware) are looking at other ways to use this information. One idea gaining traction is to use this information as a way of evaluating the effectiveness of teacher preparation programs. According to a...VIEW ARTICLE
The R-E-S-P-E-C-T Project
February 16th, 2012
Tucked away in President Obama’s $3.8 trillion federal budget was a $5 billion competitive grant program aimed at elevating the teaching profession to its rightful status - which could have significant and long-lasting effects on teacher quality throughout the United States. The fund, called the RESPECT Project (Recognizing Educational Success...VIEW ARTICLE
No Longer a “D” for Delaware
Early Childhood Education, News, Policy and Practice
February 2nd, 2012
It’s been a busy couple of years for education policymakers, especially when it comes to “teacher quality.” And with all the recent apprehension about teacher evaluation and DPAS II—and all the revisions that have occurred—it’s easy to forget about the progress we’ve made. But the fact of the matter is that we have made...VIEW ARTICLE