Tag: professional development

Now is the Time to Reimagine Teaching

News, Policy and Practice

June 18th, 2012

The Delaware Department of Education announced that eleven schools will participate in the Race to the Top teacher incentive program - providing highly-effective educators that demonstrate substantial growth with their students $10,000 dollars to continue teaching at their high-need schools. As someone who has firsthand experience as both an...


Bring Out the Game Film!

News, Policy and Practice

May 25th, 2012

A while back, I watched one of the sessions coach John Gruden conducted with then NFL quarterback prospect Andrew Luck in which they dissected game film and I got to thinking: Why don’t we do this as educators? For sports, this makes sense - we all know that football and basketball are games of inches where teams practice more than they play in...


TNTP Report Outlines Recipe to Cultivate a High-Performing School

Policy and Practice

April 2nd, 2012

In education, as most endeavors, people always look for the silver bullet – that one thing that will make the difference between bad and good or good and great. And while I firmly believe there is no magic wand to wave in education, TNTP’s recently published report Greenhouse Schools: How Schools Can Build Cultures Where Teachers and Students...


It’s Time to Follow the Doctor’s Orders: The Work of Atul Gawande

Policy and Practice

March 30th, 2012

As a graduate student, my education practicum professor highly recommended Atul Gawande’s work, highlighting its relevance to the reforms currently underway, particularly through Race to the Top. While initially skeptical, it was quickly apparent that my professor was on to something – and it looks like the education world is starting to see...