Tag: Teacher Preparation

Delaware Looks to Build on Success Strengthening its Educator Workforce

Educator Support and Development

March 20th, 2024

Delaware continues to launch strategies to further strengthen its educator workforce—from increased pay recommended in the next budget cycle—to a handful of new bills introduced in Legislative Hall this session. Like the rest of the country, Delaware has fewer teachers in its pipeline than in generations past, punctuated by declines...


October 23, 2013

Policy and Practice, Postsecondary Success

October 23rd, 2013

Local News The News Journal Delaware's College Night draws crowd of parents, students A throng of college-bound students and their parents swarmed the Bob Carpenter Center at the University of Delaware on Tuesday night to gather information from officials and participating institutions. “The goal is to give our students as many choices and...


Grants Support Innovative New Teacher Induction

Policy and Practice

September 11th, 2013

According to American economist Theodore Levitt, “Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.” “Doing new things,” in the area of new teacher induction programs, is precisely what the Comprehensive Induction Program (CIP) Competitive Grants will fund during the 2013-14 school year. Six districts were awarded a...


New National Teacher Training Standards Approved

News, Policy and Practice, Postsecondary Success

August 30th, 2013

Both locally and nationally, changes are afoot in the way teachers are trained. With the consolidation of NCATE and TEAC this year, The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) has become the new accrediting body for educator training. In a politically bold move, the CAEP Board of Directors established a “Commission on...