Thoughts from the first ED25 community conversations

Four Rodel team members (I’m on the left) attended the Vision Coalition’s first community conversation about ED25, the draft plan to better prepare Delaware students for a lifetime of success. Here we are having a cup of coffee in Georgetown. When will you join the Coalition for coffee?
A small team from the Rodel Foundation attended the first of the Vision Coalition’s community conversations in Sussex County on Wednesday. Since the Coalition isn’t a formal nonprofit organization, we are providing a lot of the staff support for these events–securing the locations, copying the materials, buying the coffee, and taking notes.
But I got so much more out of it than just that. We heard from residents, retired educators, parents, grandparents, and policymakers about what they think will make a great system that will support every Delaware for a lifetime of success. The attendees of these conversations all made the time to join the dialogue and share their ideas, which the Coalition will be incorporating into its work. It was great to see people coming out to help develop a shared vision for the state.
You can read more about it here, and also follow the work of the Coalition and share your ideas at, on, and via Twitter (@VCDelaware).