July 11, 2013
Local News
The Dover Post
Shan Green begins term as principal at Central Middle School
July 1 was the first day on the job for new Central Middle School Principal Shan W. Green. But she was in a very familiar environment. Green, 41, had spent the last year preparing for the job under the tutelage of former Principal Dr. Darren T. Guido, who recently was named supervisor of instruction for grades 5 – 12 for the Capital School District.
Delaware Department of Education
Health science students bring home honors from national conference
Delaware health science students brought home Top 10 finishes — including for the first time a gold medal — from the HOSA-Future Health Professionals National Leadership Conference. Delaware HOSA students and advisors attended the 36th annual national leadership conference in Nashville June 26 to 29. This was the second year the Delaware HOSA participated in the conference.
National News
Education Week
Exit Interview: Joanne Weiss, Chief-of-Staff to Arne Duncan
In Joanne Weiss’ four years at the U.S. Department of Education, she is perhaps best known for helping to shape and then run the Obama administration’s signature education-improvement effort: the Race to the Top program.
The Washington Post
Valerie Strauss: Teach For America critics gathering to organize resistance
Teach For America alumni and students of corps members who are critical of TFA are holding this weekend what amounts to the first national assembly aimed at organizing resistance to the organization that is popular with school reformers. The anti-TFA assembly is part of the Free Minds, Free People national conference starting Thursday in Chicago and hosted by the Education for Liberation Network, which promotes the use of education to promote social justice
Education Next
Missouri district takes first step on road to digital classroom
Apple’s introduction of the iPad wasn’t the first time that educators considered what might follow traditional textbooks, but it was the first time that a major transition seemed possible. As Kris Hilgedick of the News Tribune reports, the Jefferson City Public Schools District in Missouri is taking the first step in the path to a full digital classroom by spending more than a quarter of a million dollars to purchase 2,000 iPads for its elementary schools.
Related Topics: -Future Health Professionals National Leadership Conference, Arne Duncan, budget caps, California, California CORE, Capital School District, CCSS, Charter School, Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Common Core, Conrad Schools of Science, Delaware Leadership Project, Delaware State University, Delcastle Technical High School, district waivers, Dover High School, DSU, electronic resources, emergency preparedness, ESEA, federal government, five week training, GAO, Gov. Mark Dayton, Government Accountability Office, Greensburg, health professions, HOSA, Howard High School of Technology, implementation, inequalities, initiatives, instructional leader, integrating technology, lack of preparation, mentor, Milton, mixed approach, neediest urban and rural schools, Next Generation Science Standards, obama administration, Pennsylvania, political support, POLYTECH High School, Positive Outcomes Charter School, privately funded, privatization, Red Clay, school transformation, Secretary Mark Murphy, Sociology, special education, St. Georges Technical High School, standardized test scores, Sussex Technical High School, sustainability, tablet, Teacher Effectiveness, teacher prep, Teacher Preparation, teaching certificate, teaching commitment, Tennessee, test-drive curriculum, TFA corps members, two-year commitment, University-based programs, veteran teachers, waivers