More College Graduates Necessary for Delaware’s Future

September 23rd, 2013

Category: Postsecondary Success

It’s evident that a vibrant economic future for Delaware and its residents depend on a greater number of Delawareans who are college graduates. According to a Lumina Foundation report* based on 2011 Census data projections, 59% of all Delaware jobs will require postsecondary education by 2018. If the current rate of degree production continues, about 40% of Delaware’s adult population will hold a college degree in 2018. Data analyses from a recent Harvard Strategic Data Project report have contributed to the state’s development of a college readiness plan and several initiatives that already have been implemented to better support Delaware students enroll and succeed in college. One such initiative is a recently-announced partnership with College Board that makes strides in achieving the state’s college readiness plan, which addresses four key areas: affordability; academic readiness and persistence through college; alliances across K-12 and our post-secondary system; and connecting highly-qualified students with top schools.

College graduates trajectory graph

To learn more about the College Board announcement and the state’s plan, read these news articles:
• “Delaware seeks to steer the poor to top colleges,” The New York Times
• “Too many kids capable of college never even apply,” The News Journal
• “Delaware announces partnership with College Board,” WHYY

* Lumina Foundation, A Stronger Delaware Through Higher Education (June 2013); Georgetown Public Policy Institute, Center on Education and the Workforce, Recovery, Job Growth and Education Requirements Through 2020 (2013); U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census, 2010 & 2011 American Community Survey

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Rodel Foundation of Delaware



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