August 24, 2017

August 24th, 2017

Category: News

Delaware News

Delaware State News
Smyrna schools serve up annual ‘back to school’ breakfast
Today, Friday and next week, Delaware’s students will be headed back to class. But, back to school day has already come for the state’s nearly 20,000 teachers and staff members employed by the Department of Education. To get amped up for the new school year, hundreds of Smyrna School District employees and administrators rallied on Wednesday morning for their annual Welcome Back Breakfast at Smyrna High School.

Low pay, students’ behavior blamed for school bus driver shortage
The persistent school bus driver shortage throughout the state is so well-known it’s fodder for wisecracks. At a Smyrna School District back-to-school breakfast attended by Gov. John Carney on Wednesday, the district’s Child Nutrition supervisor Roger Holt pretended to introduce a new drive-your-students-to-work initiative when he addressed gathered staff. Delaware
A Chromebook for every Red Clay child when school starts next week
It’s finally here: All Red Clay Consolidated School District students in grades 3 through 12 will be assigned a Chromebook this school year. The initiative, known as one-to-one student computing, was made possible by support of the 2015 operating tax referendum and began rolling out in the 2016-2017 school year. This year it will be fully implemented, with some middle and high schools participating in a pilot allowing students to take their Chromebooks home for 24/7 access.

The News Journal
Mount Pleasant Elementary staff visit kids in Edgemoor
Mount Pleasant Elementary School educators went door to door into the neighboring community of Edgemoor on Wednesday to meet students and remind families about Thursday’s Back-to-School Night & Family Resource Fair. Teachers also reconnected with former students who are now in middle and high school, and several students offered to walk with the teachers to help them navigate the neighborhood.

Delaware students head back to school
Delaware students head back to school over the next two weeks, strapping on their backpacks and climbing aboard buses to meet their new teachers and get their first homework assignments. When will the bright-yellow vehicles start rolling through your neighborhood?

National News

What you should know about the new summer SAT
Tomorrow night, Fabrice Charles is planning to go to bed early, so he can get a good night’s sleep. He’s got a big day on Saturday, when he’ll join hundreds of thousands of other students taking the new summer SAT. “I get stressed really easily,” he says, “so I’ve just got to relax and think back to my exercises.” For the first time since the 1970s, the College Board is offering an August SAT testing date and the rising high school senior in Boston says he’s ready.

The Atlantic
How student internships saved a Chicago school
One May morning, 22 stories above Chicago’s Wabash Avenue, Aurice Blanton ignored the stunning spring view of Lake Michigan. He had work to do. He toggled his computer between a budget spreadsheet and his color-coded schedule, double-checking figures for an upcoming meeting with his supervisor at CNA Insurance. Blanton, a high-school senior, was interning for the firm’s information-technology group.

Iowa City Press-Citizen
Iowa City schools’ special education work verified, but more work is needed
The Iowa Department of Education verified Tuesday that Iowa City schools finished a series of steps aimed at correcting special education noncompliance, but the department called for ongoing work. A letter from the department said the district corrected violations identified last year during an investigation of the special education program, most of which pertained to the district’s handling of individualized education programs or plans, which are unique to each special education student.

The Deseret News
Herbert announces new IT education pathway
With Utah’s jobless rate among the lowest in the nation and local tech companies clamoring for more skilled information technology professionals, the state is creating a new program to provide a pipeline for developing homegrown talent to fill that void. The Governor’s Office of Economic Development and Silicon Slopes Wednesday announced the IT Pathways Program — a partnership with tech companies and schools aimed at developing a career path to train and bolster the Beehive State’s current below-capacity tech workforce.

U.S News & World Report
Illinois legislative leaders to meet on school funding talks
Illinois’ legislative leaders are set to continue negotiations on a possible solution to the state’s school funding impasse. House Speaker Michael Madigan says the meeting is Thursday in Chicago. He canceled a legislative session on school funding a day earlier citing progress in recent negotiations. There’s wide agreement that the state’s 20-year-old school funding formula is unfair. But Democrats and Republicans disagree over how to fix it.

Rodel Foundation of Delaware



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