
Showing 301-303 of 2227 Results


July 11, 2017


July 11th, 2017

Delaware News Cape Gazette Rehoboth planners begin school site review July 14 The Rehoboth Beach Planning Commission will begin its site-plan review process for the proposed new Rehoboth Elementary School at 3 p.m., Friday, July 14. If the commission approves the site-plan review, the Cape Henlopen School District will be able to move forward...


July 10, 2017


July 10th, 2017

Delaware News Coastal Point Top 10: Local OM team makes a big splash at world finals It was a worldwide honor for some of Indian River School District’s most creative students recently, as a middle-school team placed in the Top 10 at Odyssey of the Mind World Finals. Around the globe, Odyssey of the Mind encourages creative problem-solving in...


Budget Woes Dominate Legislative Session

Early Childhood Education, News, Policy and Practice, Postsecondary Success

July 7th, 2017

The Delaware General Assembly ended its session this year on an interesting quirk and plenty of frustration. After going past the June 30 budget deadline for the first time in decades, the legislative session officially concluded in the early morning hours of July 2nd, after a required extended time window, and a contentious budget negotiation...