Showing 481-483 of 2227 Results
December 2016 Teacher Newsletter
December 7th, 2016
Rodel Teacher Newsletter is a resource for Delaware's teachers to learn about teacher leadership opportunities across the state, nation, and world. View this email in your browser Today Is Your Chance To Recognize An Inspiring Teacher TNTP...VIEW ARTICLE
December 7, 2016
December 7th, 2016
Delaware News The News Journal Helping Delaware kids read with 59,000 free books If a kid can't read, a kid can't learn. That's the simple theory behind early literacy programs springing up all over Delaware. Children who live in families battling poverty are at a disadvantage when it comes to learning how to read. One big reason...VIEW ARTICLE
December 6, 2016
December 6th, 2016
Delaware News Delaware 105.9 Indian River district asks judge to toss discrimination suit Attorneys for the Indian River School District say a racial discrimination lawsuit filed by a Sussex County citizens group should be dismissed. The Coalition for Education Reform claims that the district is using the George Washington Carver Academy, a...VIEW ARTICLE